Small Scale Biomass Pellet Line
The small scale pellet line can be divided into two kinds: one is mobile unit, another is unmovable. For movable unit, usually its capacity is less and without drying. So you can choose it if your raw material is already sawdust or 3mm biomass materials and moisture of sawdust is 13-17% which is suitable for pelletizing directly. For matching dryer or packing machine, we suggest to use unmovable unit, since the dryer is heavy, and difficult to move.
The pellet mill in the small scale pellet line is also divided to kinds: one is ring die pellet mill; another is flat die pellet mill. We prefer to use ring die pellet mill, but for processing soft wood, flat die pellet mill is also can make good quality wood pellet. All this designs mainly depends on your investment and raw material. We can specifically design it for you from most economic way.